Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The Pepsi Vending Machine At KATU:

This is the PepsiCo vending machine at KATU in the so-called "Coffee Shop".

I would like to list the choices you are so generously offered:

6 Diet Pepsi
3 Pepsi

Comments: Are you kidding me? I can have either, ad nauseum? Sweet!

Next Shelf:
6 choices of Gatorade, all Blueberry Pomegranate G2
3 cans of Red Bull, $2.25 each

Comments: that blue Gatorade shit tastes like rotten yogurt, and health-conscious K2 employees won't drink all that Red Bull for the next 20 weeks

Now to the three shelves of 20 oz. bottles:
3 Diet Mountain Dew
3 Lipton Iced Tea (lemon)
2 Mountain Dew Code Red
1 Pepsi

Comments: nowhere on this list, or any of the following, is there actual Mountain Dew, but we got all the fringe Dews you can handle.
3 Diet Pepsi
Another bottle of Mountain Dew Code Red
1 Lipton Diet Green Tea
Another bottle of Lipton Iced Tea (lemon)
3 Diet Dr. Peppers

Comments: similar to the previous comments, there is no actual Dr. Pepper anywhere in this machine, but shorter people can still read the labels of choices they can't reach farther up.
3 more bottles of Pepsi
6 bottles of Aquafina water

Comments: turn around 180° and there's free water. How about some fucking choice?

Overall take: the selections in this vending machine are disrespectful to KATU employees.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Beach Trip Extraordinaire

So Caitlin, Dug and I went to the beach the other day. It was kind of a feel-it-out-on-the-go kind of trip. Which was nice. We took the ferry across from Puget Island, Washington to Westport, Oregon. It's $3 a car, and it's considered State Highway 409. 
I recommend the ferry wholeheartedly. It's a trip, in many ways.

Then we went to the Astoria Column. What a freakin bummer. The stairs are being replaced, the inside is closed, and they want you to pay $1 to park and look around. I was bummed a little bit. Things change and they seem to change for the stupider. 

Kind of like the look of this picture. You can see some perspective and the art is clear. Dug had to lie down on his back to take this shot. Very pro, very much so. And that lady on the left looks like she stepped out of a Rembrandt painting naked and put on the first clothes she could find.

We also hit John Ford's aunt and uncle's fish 'n' chips place, that serves albacore. What a tasty meal. Too bad it's so oily. It went down easy. That's all you need to know.